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Metal Gear

  • Break into Skullface's new military base.

  • Sabotage their operation

  • Escape the skulls

  • Project completed in 3 weeks.

What I Did :

LAYOUT - Stealth




Rationnal Level Design


Intentions :

  • Large Open Spaces --> Much like most MGS V levels, this map is designed around open outside spaces small obstacles on the side. 

  • Interchangable Objectives --> Both objectives on this mission can be done in any particulate order, allowing the player  to create their own path through the level.

  • Mid-map Breakpoint --> After the first objective, the map shifts. With heavy myst and deadly skulls soldiers, the player now must change their strategy.


  • The mission starts on the south end of a military complex, near a chekpoint teaming with sentries that you'll have to pass through.

  • You have two objectives on this mission : Rescue a captive prisonner and Plant a bomb in the base's armory ; both are accessible from this point ownard, the former on the left and the later on the right.

  • Once one of the objective is completed, Skulls soldiers will spawn around the player, contaminating the remaining regular soldiers in the process.

  • The player then has to complete the other objective while before escaping the base via the northen end.

Inspirations :

MGS V - Skull Face

MGS V - Retake the Platform

  • Layout

  • Blockout

  • Level-Design Document

  • Unity Development


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© 2023 GEGOUT-STOVER Louis


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