Metal Gear
Break into Skullface's new military base.
Sabotage their operation
Escape the skulls
Project completed in 3 weeks.
What I Did :
LAYOUT - Stealth


Rationnal Level Design

Intentions :
Large Open Spaces --> Much like most MGS V levels, this map is designed around open outside spaces small obstacles on the side.
Interchangable Objectives --> Both objectives on this mission can be done in any particulate order, allowing the player to create their own path through the level.
Mid-map Breakpoint --> After the first objective, the map shifts. With heavy myst and deadly skulls soldiers, the player now must change their strategy.
The mission starts on the south end of a military complex, near a chekpoint teaming with sentries that you'll have to pass through.
You have two objectives on this mission : Rescue a captive prisonner and Plant a bomb in the base's armory ; both are accessible from this point ownard, the former on the left and the later on the right.
Once one of the objective is completed, Skulls soldiers will spawn around the player, contaminating the remaining regular soldiers in the process.
The player then has to complete the other objective while before escaping the base via the northen end.
Inspirations :
MGS V - Skull Face
MGS V - Retake the Platform

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